General Chemistry.

Timm, John Arrend.

General Chemistry. - Primera Edición - New York: Kogakusha Company, Ltda., 1966. - 643 páginas. Figuras 21 cms.

Introducction.Ther Composition of matter. Atoms amd moleculas. Atomic Weights. and the periofic table. Subatomic partiches. Quantum levels. Distribution of electrons in quantum levels. Atom bonding. Bond polarity and oxidation numbers. Properties of gases. The kinetic-molecular theory. Determination of molecular and atomic weights. Stoichiometry.Oxigen. Hidrogen. Liquids.Solids. Oxides and hydroxides. Solutions. Thermochemistry. Reaction velocity. hemiscal equilibrium. Solutions of elecrolytes. Acids andf bases. Protolysis reactions. Precipitation and solubiñity product. Hydrolysis and amphoteriam. Oxidation-reduction reactions. Electrochemistry. The halogens: Group VIIa. Elements of group VIa. Elements of group Va. Elements of group IVa. Eements of Ggroup IIIa.The alkali and alkaline-earth metals: group Ia and IIa.The transition metals-I: Groups Ib and IIb.The transition metals-II: group VIII. Chromium and manganese. Organic chemistry. Biochemistry. The nucleos.

En ingles

General hemisry.

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