Shupe, Hollie W., Machovina, Paul E.

A Manual of Engineering Geometry and Graphics. - Primera Edición - New York: The maple press company, York, Pa., 1956. - 347 páginas figuras. 23 cms.

Introductory. Orthographie projection.Definitions and basic views of points and lines.Definitions and basic views of planes-Development of polyhedrons. Intersection of lines, planes, and polyhedrons. Parallel relationships of lines and planes. Perpendicular relationships of lines and planes.curbed lines and their tengents. Single-curved surfaces. Intersections and tangents of simple-curved surfaces. Angular relationships Warped sufaces. Double-curved surfraces.Map projections. Vectores. Graphie sacales. Stationary adjancent and sliding scales. Alignment charts or nomography. Enpirical curves and equations. Graphie Calculus.

En ingles

A Manual of Engineering Gometry and Graphics.

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